TV Reviews

Game of Thrones’ “Eastwatch”: The Fellowship of the Damned

Well, that was disappointing.

Not the episode, “Eastwatch,” the fifth of this truncated seventh season. No, there was much to enjoy here as well as much to chew on and criticize, as per usual. The disappointing part was how quickly it moved on from last week’s cliffhanger. I look back on the discussions I had with readers of the site in the comments section and realize we were all just wasting our time:

  • Will Dany kill Jamie? Nah.
  • Will Dany take Jamie prisoner? She doesn’t really do the whole prisoners thing, as it turns out.
  • Will Jamie drown? Nope. You’d think they would have made more out of his armor weighing him down, but even the mere possibility of him drowning went unacknowledged.
  • Will Tyrion save Jamie? With his little legs? You must be kidding.
  • Will Jamie escape with Tyrion and/or Bronn’s help? Eh, kind of.
  • Will Bronn die during said escape effort? Nope. Dude’s still alive and kicking, for now.

We all had such elaborate ideas, but in the end all that happened was Jamie and Bronn swam away and safely sat on wet grass and talked about how fucked they are. It’s a real “then they found it was the baby” situation (from The Simpsons’ first clip show episode) in terms of the payoff not meeting the build-up.

GoT 5 Jamie Bronn Simpsons.jpg

But that’s just how Game of Thrones rolls in season 7. Time is of the essence. That’s why the physical distances between points on the map don’t seem to matter anymore. They don’t have time to acknowledge how long these journeys from north to south and east to west should be taking. Similarly, they don’t have an episode or two to waste on Jamie being Dany’s prisoner, especially not when “Jamie as POW” is dramatic territory they’ve explored before. Moreover, they’re not going to mess with an elaborate underwater rescue sequence. That shit takes time and so many safety precautions.

Just cut to the chase and get Jamie back to Cersei as quickly as possible. The battle is over. What matters now is exploring the aftermath, i.e., how Cersei reacts (mostly, she doubles down on everything), what Dany does with the scattered survivors (executes those who refuse to bend the knee).

Still, the final shot from last episode – the one implying an unconscious Jamie was sinking to the bottom – was totally misleading, even if the visual served as a nice metaphorical summation of Jamie’s current state of mind, sinking into the complete nothingness of Cersei’s heart and struggling to find his way out.

Speaking of which…


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Because this Game of Thrones we have to wonder if Cersei’s new baby will be killed in utero, and because this is Cersei circa Mad Queen era we have to wonder if she’s even pregnant, if she just made it up as a strategic move to pull Jamie closer to her. That doesn’t seem likely because her faking the pregnancy would require a level if sitcom chicanery which has no place on Game of Thrones yet Cersei has proven herself to be her father’s daughter this season and this pregnancy is certainly a perfectly timed way to keep the leader of her army from even thinking about betraying her.

And that’s why I don’t like this new storyline. It feels so transparently like writers throwing in an extra complication to ratchet up the tension when in fact the extra complication isn’t necessary.  The damn man just fought a literal dragon for her! And even after he improbably escaped that altercation alive – and not burnt to a crisp – he showed no sign of regret over having almost died for the woman he loved, even if her goals and methods no longer perfectly align with his own.

Sure, he walks in on mysterious meetings between her and Qyburn and looks suspicious just as bites his lip when she refuses to entertain any other option beyond fighting to the death, dragons be damned. He’s teetering, and it’s awesome to watch. Throwing a pregnancy storyline on top of it….well, 7 seasons is more than enough to establish why Jamie would be so reluctant to betray the woman he loves. That’s all we needed.

Speaking of incestuous love affairs…



Drogon sniffing the Targaryen blood in Jon and letting him go all Laura Dern and the triceratops in Jurassic Park on him is the scene I’d been waiting for. I was wrong, though, to assume this scene would then lead some to question Jon’s parentage since the dragons have only ever treated one other person the same way (Dany, obviously). Of course, there was that one time where the dragons allowed Tyrion to unshackle them, which has fueled the “Tyrion is a Targaryen” theories online but raised absolute zero questions on the actual show. So, maybe they all just think the dragons only embrace those people which they sense Dany truly trusts.

Either way, Emilia Clarke and Kit Harington have been playing Dany and Jon as two people so hyperfocused on their own goals that they can’t quite admit what’s happening between them, and the showrunners have said while some of this has been on the page much of it is coming from what naturally happened when those two actors finally shared the screen together.

But you can build on that, lean into it, which is why “Eastwatch” went out of its way to frame multiple scenes in which Jon was either literally standing in-between Dany and Jorah or simply appeared to be based upon where he was in the background. It’s a familiar trick from any film or show building up a love triangle even though this isn’t really a triangle since there’s never been any sense that Dany reciprocated Jorah’s romantic affections. Instead, it’s a visual reminder of how close Dany and Jon have become in such a short amount of time as well as gut punch to Jorah, who has come back to her only to find that she has yet another male suitor at her side.

Frankly, though, it felt a tad clumsy, certainly less effective at communicating the same information as the scene where Dany accepted Jorah volunteering for the suicide mission north of the wall but briefly objected to Jon doing the same, her bated breath indicating just how much the thought of losing her new frenemy from the North caused her distress. As she said, she’s grown quite used to him. Who knows what will become of these two once they learn that they’re related. But the chances of the two of them riding dragons into battle together are that much higher now.


Sansa was influenced by Cersei to write that note back in the first season

One of the great joys of the past six seasons of this show has been watching the evolution of the Stark sisters, the pampered princess becoming a hardened lady and the naive, wannabe-adventurer learning the true price of adventure. One of the great disappointments of season seven, then, is watching the manufactured conflict breaking out between the sisters, with neither side trusting the other and Arya acting as if Sansa was still the same old girl who always wanted to be a lady or queen. It’s a bit like going home for the holidays and seeing everyone in the family gradually slip back into who they used to be, and in this context it feels like the show is erasing seasons of progress for each character. These women have been through so much, yet they still can’t move past the contentious relationship they had as children? Littlefinger is playing them, sure, but why are they falling for it?



Oh, Sam. If only you could have waited one more minute to have your rant about the Citadel you might have listened and realized Gilly was giving you the exact clue you needed to find out that your buddy Jon is half-Targaryen.

All joking aside, Sam’s Citadel scenes were some of the most important of the episode because they established that Westeros really does have a safety net in place for an event like the war at the Wall. If the Citadel simply sent out ravens recommending action King’s Landing and the various Lords would have to respond out of respect for the opinions of the highest Meisters in the land. But because the Citadel has grown old, complacent and given to distrust of outsiders like Dany it’s has failed in its duty and become a useless entity. It’s because of their failure that the episode had to end with, well…

Look. I saw the trailer for next week, and it looks amazing. I absolutely should not be complaining. However, I am still struggling with the right turn this entire season took starting in this episode. For better or worse, this season has been the War of the Mad Queens (btw, great title for a reality show). The next logical step was for Dany to advance on the areas surrounding King’s Landing, or for Cersei to make her countermove, the two sides fighting away while the Nigh King and his army march on and Jon stands to the side shitting his pants about what’s to come. For there to now be an armistice and a suicide squad of the Brotherhood, Jon, Turmond, Jorah and Gendry (!) venturing north of the Wall in pursuit of a single wight to prove the existence of the undead to the rest of Westeros feels a little sudden.

Perhaps I am so annoyed by it because it seems so clear that Cersei will use the situation to her advantage. As she said, undead, dragons, dragon queens – it makes no difference to her. In her world, there are simply enemies to be defeated and allies to be manipulated. Right now, her war is lost. She continues to serve as Queen simply because Dany allows it even though she could fly in with her dragons and depose her at a moment’s notice. The fact that Cersei is now being gifted the time to buy a mercenary army and plot her next ingenious move leads me to believe she might just survive the season and deliver Dany a surprising defeat. She’s still got the Greyjoy fleet, after all. And Dragonstone is right by the ocean. Even if that’s too big a move, I don’t trust Cersei to not immediately turn on Jon and Dany in any kind of alliance against the Nigh King.


  1. One can only imagine what Dany was thinking during Jon and Drogon’s meeting. “Please don’t eat my new kinda, sorta boyfriend”
  2. When you are someone who is obsessed with fighting an army of the undead and you are talking to a woman who just flew in on a dragon it’s probably okay to be honest and admit that, yeah, you died and came back from the dead. But I suppose it’s less about any shame or embarassment over the outlandishness of the tale and more about Jon wanting to keep that particular secret as close to the chest as possible.
  3. Arya’s assassin training was largely contingent upon her becoming a nameless face in the crowd. How the heck does that work when she’s in Winterfell, her family’s ancestral home? How did nobody notice her skulking around in corners? And why did she think Littlefinger seriously didn’t see her, especially with how far out she was leaning from behind those corners?
  4. Dany always gives those she liberates the option to join her or simply go about their lives however they wish as free people. Those Lannister soldiers, though, serve under threat of death-by-Dragon. How are they not slaves?
  5. Honest to God, for a split second after Gendry turned around for the first time I thought I was looking at Christian Bale in Terminator: Salvation.
  6. Qyburn’s up to something. I don’t like it.
  7. So, is the takeaway from last week that Qyburn’s crossbow can only hurt, not kill, the dragons? Because it wasn’t even mentioned this week, as if it’s now a forgotten weapon.
  8. Davos and Gendry. Jorah and Dany. Tyrion and Jamie. Jon meets Jorah. Jon meets Gendry. Is there such a thing as reunion and first-meeting fatigue? Because these things are coming at us fast and furious this season.
  9. Is there any chance Gendry has been turned? Could he be working for Cersei now?
  10. Who survives next week? My picks: Jon, Tormund, The Hound, maybe Gendry (they’ll need someone to make all those dragonglass weapons). Jorah and the rest are goners. Cool flaming sword, though, Eye-Patch Guy.


Either Davos’ quip about people ignoring him even though all he’s “done is live to a ripe old age” or Tormund’s annoyed “And you need to convince the one with the dragons or the one who fucks her brother?”


  • Samwell Tarly is Jon’s best friend and a potential ally for Dany, and she just killed his father and brother. None of them have connected those dots yet, but it’s going to be awkward when they do.
  • If Gilly is right then Jon’s parents secretly married before he was born meaning he, as THR  put it, “isn’t a Targaryen bastard; he’s an outright Targaryen, the son of the slain man who was in line to rule Westeros before he was killed, and therefore the legitimate heir to the Iron Throne.”

And that’s the end of that. Thanks for reading this slightly-longer-than-normal review. Let me know what you think in the comments Who do you think survives next week? Is the pregnancy storyline actually way more brilliant than I realize? Was Dany wrong to kill Sam’s dad and brother?


  1. I also loved the scene with Drogon and Dany. I think I would have preferred it if it had been one of the other dragons, though, and Dany witnessed it.

    1. At this point, it’s almost like “What other dragons?” They’ve got that one character model for Drogon and they’re running with it. But if Jon is to someday ride one of those dragons it would have been cool to see the start of that relationship now, assuming he doesn’t ride Drogon since that’s clearly Dany’s. However, for the way that scene served to foreshadow while also bringing Dany and Jon closer together it probably works better if the dragon she witnesses embracing Jon is the one she clearly loves the most. But I loved Clarke’s reactions. It was a real, “What the hell is going on down there?” kind of thing.

      1. Yeah, both reactions were great. Jon’s reaction was a perfect mix of fear, curiousity, and somehow a knowledge the dragon wouldn’t hurt him.
        Dany’s reaction was great, too, but I would have liked her to say, “he’s never let anyone touch him, before.”

        I think Jon getting up close and personal with one of the other dragons would actually have been even more poignant because Drogon is the “tame” one. Even Dany hasn’t had great luck controlling the other two. For one to get close enough to Jon to touch him would have been shocking to Dany.

      2. “Drogon is the “tame” one. Even Dany hasn’t had great luck controlling the other two. For one to get close enough to Jon to touch him would have been shocking to Dany.”

        Good point. I kind of forgot that about the other dragons because we so rarely see them.

        “But I would have liked her to say, “he’s never let anyone touch him, before.”

        Maybe they thought that would be too on the nose and didn’t want to completely spell it out for us. That said, I was mildly shocked when Dany didn’t say some variation of the “he’s never let anyone touch him before” line you just used. That’s how I saw it playing out in my head, but instead she circled back to the question of his resurrection, indicating she now suspects there is something not normal about him but she doesn’t know what it is and can’t get him to give a straight answer.

  2. I was surprised Davos didn’t retrieve the gold he’d bribed the guards with. Seems that would have been in his nature and even though he didn’t NEED the gold, anymore, he shouldn’t have been able to stop himself. Or at least it should have been a struggle.

    1. I actually assumed Davos retrieved the gold before they left, but I guess the last thing we see is them starting to push the boat into the water with Tyrion saying, “He’ll do.” Um, maybe Davos was picking up the gold when Tyrion and Gendry took off, leaving him chasing after them while Benny Hill music plays.

  3. Cercei made it very clear the armistice was simply a way of deceiving Dany. She has no intention of actually joining her war — at least not for long. Wait until Dany’s armies are in a vulnerable position and then turn on them. That’s her plan. And given her situation, it’s really her only play.

      1. Agreed. But, I’m hoping SOMEONE makes sure Jon’s armies are never vulnerable to Cercei’s.

        *** Wheel of Time Spoiler below ***
        The situation most reminds me of the Wheel of Time where the White Cloaks had agreed to join Perin’s army in the fight against the Trollics but held back at the end when Perin’s army was most vulnerable.

        I really don’t want to see that again.

      2. There’s a definite “So, you’ll guys take the front line, and my mercenaries will take up the rear and totally fight and not simply lock the doors at the Wall behind you. Ok. We’re good. Off to war [quickly walks out of room before anyone can object]” possibly here.

  4. I’ve mixed feelings about the massive clue about Jon’s parentage being so casually read by Gilly with a dozen other trivia, such as how many steps in the citidel and then being cut off by Sam before it was stated outright.

    It would be easy to miss because the writers primed us to not care about what she was reading (bowel movements and all) — it was a massive plot development and I kinda feel the writers were trying to be too clever with it.

    But as I say, mixed feelings.

    1. It almost feels like the writers are just screwing with us now, really teasing out the whole “we all know something that no one on the show does” tension for all its worth, sometimes even to darkly comedic effect. Dropping, for example, such a monumental bombshell about Jon next to details about stairs and bowel movements is actually kind of funny. You can feel the writer poking you in the ribs and whispering, “Can you believe they haven’t figured it out?”

  5. Littlefinger obviously intended for Arya to find that note. What is its significance? Is it legit? And how does Littlefinger benefit from Arya having read it?

    I agree that Arya was way to obvious in her spying. But Littlefinger was quite good at “not seeing her”.

    I wonder why she wasn’t wearing a face that would have given her a bit more cover. Maybe even a different face for each time she was spying. Or maybe faces aren’t that easy to come by? Maybe she has to kill someone to use their face?

    1. The note, if I recall, was Sansa pleading for Robb to come to King’s Landing and bend the knee to Joffrey. Sansa may not have even written it, but if she did Cersei pretty much ghostwrote it as a ploy to avoid war. Robb knew immediately that something wasn’t right with the note and ignored it.

      The significance of it is all the people who knew the details surrounding that note are either dead or not exactly on Arya’s friends list. So, she’s reading it out of context with nowhere to turn for insight, and should Littlefinger need to he could use that note to blackmail Sansa since the North might reject her if they learn she apparently begged her brother to bend the knee. I don’t think he would do that nor do I think that would even work, not with everything Sansa has done for the North since then. It’s more likely just another wedge he’s driving between the sisters as a way of forcing Sansa to turn to him for protection.

  6. BTW, when Dany said she wasn’t going to behead anyone I totally expected her to use the Tarlys as dragon food. What a waste to just burn them. Drogon needs to eat, right? I think watching the Tarlys get chewed up and swallowed would have been far more terrifying to those watching than watching them burn. I mean they already watched 90% of the army burn, so how was this a surprise to them? But, getting eaten alive? That would be shocking. And a rather practical thing. I mean Drogon’s food requirements have to be massive, right?

    Also, are we to believe that only about 3 dozen men survived the battle? DAYANG!

    Finally, it seems a bit foolish for Dany to let the prisoners keep their armor on. I guess the Dothraki weren’t worried, but it seems it would have been much wiser to remove their armor. Less chance of them getting ideas and it would also make them feel a bit more vulnerable.

    1. To be fair, Dany doesn’t really do “prisoners.” She’s probably not accustomed to having to think in those terms, i.e., removing the armor from the Lannisters. Wherever she goes people eventually learn to adore her and fight in her name. It’s just that in this instance she’s had to scare them into it, which is a new look for her.

      Yes, Drogon’s food intake must be massive. I’m actually not sure where Dany is even getting her food from in general. It’s one of those things the show occasionally acknowledges but otherwise ignores until it becomes dramatically relevant, such as Sansa recently discussing Winterfell’s food supply and revealing they have enough for the Winter but only if it’s a normal winter (which we know it won’t be).

  7. It seems to me this is the first time Dany has tried to coerce an oath. Her success so far has been grounded on people choosing to follow her willingly thus assuring a very strong loyalty.

    She knows next to nothing of the Westeros people. Why would she trust that a coerced pledge while facing a dragon would hold when the dragon was gone?

    And for that matter, why was she even bothering with 3 dozen men? Would have been much more compelling if she’d gotten hundreds of survivors to bend the knee.

  8. The producers did an amazing job filming the battle. It was beautiful and horrible and very realistic. What they did NOT do is come anywhere close to portraying the size and scope of it.

    Jaime told Cercei that the dragon took out a thousand wagons. That surprised me because from what we saw, it only ever felt like a couple dozen. I also never really got a sense of how many men were in the battle nor how many died.

    1. It would have been nice to get an estimate, like when Cersei asked for one and Jamie said they hadn’t finished counting yet. That would have been a good place to give us a number, albeit without some vital context (such as how big is the Dothraki army? Or the Unsullied?)

      1. Well, they did an amazing job at showing us just how massive the Nigh King’s army is. I would have liked to have had something like that last week’s battle — just for the scope of it. Then all the actual battles could have been close ups like we saw. But from what they actually showed us, we could easily have believed there were no more than a hundred or two men on either side.

  9. When Jaime was hugging Cercei at the end of their scene she warned him, “don’t betray me again”.

    What betrayal? What was the referring to?

      1. But he was tricked into that. He didn’t know Tyrian would be there. And he went right to Cercei after that to tell her. No betrayal that I can see — unless she thought Jaime should have killed him.

  10. Saw this on another site. What do you think of this bit of speculation?

    “Why is Arya giving Sansa shit about ruling Winterfell? They’ve just met again after years of hardships. Perhaps Arya could stay polite a bit longer instead of basically accusing her sister of undermining Jon?”

    Misdirection. They know Littlefinger is up to something, and have entered into an agreement to be at one another’s throats at every opportunity, even if they think they’re alone. Arya knows fine well LF was watching her break in, too.

    They need to give him enough rope to hang himself.

    And it’s going to be fun when Littlefinger tries to turn the two sisters against one another only to find out he’s ensnared himself in their web.

    1. That gives Arya and Sansa too much credit. They are both very skilled at what they do, but still register as rank amateurs in subterfuge and misdirection compared to Littlefinger. And I don’t think there’s enough actual evidence yet to support the notion of these two simply pretending to lull LF into a trap. It’s really more that Sansa and Arya were never that close nor did they get along, and it’s still the same way now, although I’d place more of the blame on Arya who is making a lot of assumptions and putting very little effort into empathizing with her sister.

      1. Yeah, I think I’m more in line with you on that than the other guy’s. Still, it was disappointing to see Arya outmanuevered. Her assassins training should have included better skills of blending in and not being observed.

        I also thought she was rather careless in jumping right into his room without any reason to believe he couldn’t come back at any moment. Hubris?

      2. “Hubris?”

        That might be a lot of it. Arya probably feels a little invincible now, and after her travels Westeros must look so small and simple, not at all the type of place where someone immensely smarter than her could reside. Yet there’s Littlefinger probably laughing to himself and thinking, “This is just too easy.”

      3. I gotta say, Kelly, I love chatting with you about shows we’ve both seen. While we seem to see most things very similarly, you always have some insights I missed yet still agree with. Thanks for doing these.

      4. Thanks for thanking me. I’m glad you like it and the chats in the comments have been fun. My only regret is that I waited this long to do start writing about the show. I used to read the AV Club reviews and feel intimidated because their reviewers always knew so much more about the show’s mythology from the books than me. I couldn’t possibly match that level of insight. So, with the occasional exception I left writing about the show to other people. But that was stupid. I should have been reviewing this thing every season I’ve had this site. At least’s it not too late to review this final season and review season 8, whenever it airs.

  11. I just thought of a really glaring and stupid mistake — either by the character, Jon Snow, or the writers…

    They just went to confront the wights without dragonglass. What good are any of the extra men he took with him? What SHOULD have happened is Jon had several weapons forged out of the dragonglass they mined. Possibly even crude and rushed, but weapons nonetheless. And he should have armed every one of the men who joined him in his crazy quest.

    Sure, they intend to take one alive, but that doesn’t mean they won’t need to kill some others to do it.

    IF the rest of the men WERE given dragonglass weapons, it was careless of the writers not to show or mention it for us. It would have taken just 10 seconds of their story time.

    1. In general, this trip north of the wall has all come together just a little too quickly for my tastes. However, I can at least kind of buy the idea of Jon not waiting until they’ve actually got some dragonglass weapons at the ready, mostly because in his Ramsay Bolton conflict and now with Dany he consistently displays impatience. He seems to truly have no time to think about anything other than the looming war with the Army of the Undead, and everything else is, “Gawd, you guys just don’t get it. None of this matters anymore.” Of course, his “we’ll just fight with the army we have” or, in this case, “weapons we have” mentality almost got him killed at the Battle of the Bastards, and it’s definitely going to get several people killed next week.

      1. Yeah. I’d come to hope he’d become wiser by now. And the dragonglass had been on the forefront of his mind literally moments prior, so it just seemed stupid to not even consider bringing some with him on his mission that has little chance of success even with dragonglass.

      2. THR also made a fair point, albeit in a joking fashion, which is that it’s too bad Jon didn’t let his feuding little Suicide Squad fight things out because maybe then one of them would have died thus allowing the group to take the body north of the wall and wait for it to turn into a wight before bringing it back. Much, much easier.

        But the dragonglass point still stands. I can see where this is in keeping with Jon’s character, but after all the noise they’ve made this season about the dragonglass there needed to be a quick expository exchange establishing that the weapons aren’t ready and won’t be for x amount of days/weeks but they can’t wait that long, not with what Bran saw in his vision of how close the Army is to the Wall now.

  12. The little suicide squad they have up north is quite entertaining, Jon, The Hound, Thoros, Berrick, Gendry, characters I never I’d see together.

  13. I liked “It’s your job to talk him out of fucking stupid ideas”. I could be totally wrong but I seem to remember something in the books about Cersei not being able to mother any more children.

    Something that bugged me is Jamie couldn’t seem to get on Tyrion’s POV, I guess Jamie feels responsible for his father’s death too, but surely at some point Tyrion being framed, his dad stealing his girl and sentencing him to death Jamie could have understood – given that Tywin was becoming pretty harsh on Jamie too by the end of it all.

    Great review

    1. Well, I would think getting over your brother killing your father would be pretty challenging. But Jaime clearly understood enough of Tyrian’s POV to help him escape initially and that he didn’t capture or kill him in their meeting. So, he’s probably feeling both sides and it’s probably something he’s struggling with.

      1. “So, he’s probably feeling both sides and it’s probably something he’s struggling with.”

        There’s a whole lot of “struggling” going on with Jamie right now.

      2. Aidan Gillen’s his name. Also pretty good in the movies Sing Street and The Maze Runner: Scorch Trials.

        Littlefinger would appear to be a real sticky situation in Winterfell, yet we forget how long he successfully navigated the murky political waters of Kings Landing and plotted and schemed right under everyone’s nose (well, everyone other than Varys, of course). So, this shit he’s got to deal with where the Stark family could crush him if they were simply united … this is when he truly kicks into action. It’s probably almost fun for him, he’s so good at it.

    2. That was a great line as was Davos’ response about no one listening to his ideas lately.

      A fair point about Jamie. I guess, at the end of the day, that was still his father who Tyrion killed, and even though the rational response would be to take all the factors into consideration and grant Tyrion some sympathy the emotional response overrides since all he can think is “You killed my dad!” Maybe somewhere down the road, assuming they survive long enough to meet again, they will bury the hatchet (hopefully not literally), but for now I can buy Jamie having some anger toward his brother. In less turbulent times I could see them eventually talking it out over a pint, Jamie eventually acknowledging how horrible Tywin was. Don’t know if that will ever happen though.

    3. Thomas, I got an email that you LIKED my comment. How did you do that? I don’t see any buttons for that.

      1. He didn’t do anything. It’s just a WordPress setting, e.g., I get an email whenever you or anyone else leaves a comment or whenever anyone likes one of my comments.

  14. Bran clearly sees his role as being active and not a passive observer. Otherwise, he would not have sent the ravens to warn the country of the impending army.

    So it seems odd he’s not more actively helping Jon and even Sansa with key information he must have (or could easily get). Unless he’s determined their best chances of success or to act without foreknowledge of stuff.

    And while talking about Bran, it seems silly he’d go outside the walls for his wharging with nothing but a meister to guard him. For that matter, why does he need to be out there at all? Can he not do his thing in the safety of the keep?

    1. Actually, Bran probably went outside like that because his powers are stronger whenever he’s close to one of those trees that look like it has a face on it. He can still use his powers without that proximity but he’s so much stronger with it.

      It is curious that he’d send the raven about the troop movements but is otherwise staying quiet about everything he must now know about Littlefinger, Jon, Sansa and everyone else. We know he wants to save his conversation with Jon until he can do it in person. Otherwise, we don’t really know what’s going around in Bran’s head these days.

  15. Very progressive episode with the story really moving forwadd and a lot of pivotable moments. Death by dragon burning was brilliant and yes definitely a key moment or mistake which will come back to crucially bite someone in the behind. It is getting more complex wkth Jon bonding with dragons and the hound and co back in the fray. With the Lanisters expecting we will have jamie more torn between his brother and knowing the fight cant be one and his love of his life who gets mad and evil by the day. Cant wait to see the impact of the undead thrown into the mix when all parties realise its real. It is still top notch dkr a tv show. A gokd budget and interesting character development. Nothing else like it on tv to date.

  16. Ps brohn is definitely on borrowed time after his miraculous escape last week and now this week’s betrayal.

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